Rapid digital transformation across organisations brings along its own complexities and requirements such as upskilling, re-skilling, acceptance, and communication. Learning, being central to digital transformation needs to be integrated and aligned with the employee’s expectations. Over the past few years, organisations have been increasingly adopting microlearning to upskill their workforce on new products and services. The ease of accessibility to learning content on mobile makes it a preferred tool for training frontline employees.
But do you know how effective your learning programs are? Is your workforce successful in transferring their newly gained skills into performance at workplace? The outcome of microlearning is not learning, but performance.
Here are six best practices that you should adopt to get the most of your microlearning platform & enhance frontline productivity & performance.
1. Be consistent in launching microlearning modules
Retention level drop significantly as time passes, making employees forget 90% of their learnings within 72 hours. To enhance the learning retention, make a plan and regularly launch modules for the learners. This creates a habit of learning and reinforces the learning content. For example, in the beginning of the month you can share a microlearning module. 15 days later, share a video on that topic and eventually an infographic. When learners goes through the same information but in different formats repeatedly, they develop multiple ways to retrieve knowledge, aiding in faster recall.

2. Increase participation from leaders
Apart from the core training team involved in driving the learning initiative, also involve the national & regional business heads in promoting learning. When business leaders encourage learning personally, it creates credibility among the employees and motivates them and to drive learning completion.

3. Create healthy competition through leader board
40% of your frontline salesforce check their leader board daily to know where they stand and those who do, take 39% more microlearning sessions than others. Sharing leader boards regularly helps you to acknowledge proactive learners, high scorers et al and creates a sense of healthy competition. The high scorers can further be recognised or rewarded by redeeming the points earned on the leader board to win tangible prizes through an internal marketplace.

4. Introduce variety in microlearning content
Don’t limit yourself to sharing short, textual learning content. You should leverage your microlearning platform to share videos, infographics, game-based assessments. Employees who learn using game-based assessments during their daily training are 100% more likely to voluntarily take extra training. A gamified approach encourages employees to practice the desired skills and avoids building monotony in learning.

5. Nudge employees to take learning
Share engagement mailers, push notifications or in app pop ups at least once a week so that learners know what’s happening on their microlearning platform. On average, 30% learners open such notifications which nudge the learners to spend about 2-4 minutes on microlearning repeatedly. In case of launch of a new module, share teasers, trailers to generate curiosity. This helps to increase the adoption of new microlearning content by 50-70%.

6. Effective measurement through data
Multiple learning aids and assessments help you to generate adequate data to draw an individual’s learning curve and correlate it with their job performance. Instead of using single assessments, as done in traditional LMS platforms, leverage microlearning to measure a learner’s understanding at multiple intervals across different levels of difficulty. The data collected will help better link sales enablement with business outcomes and showcase the effectiveness of microlearning & gamification.

Microlearning is often presumed by organisations to be the go-to solution for new-age learning. While true, for microlearning to work for your organisation, it is vital to incorporate spaced repetition, multiple learning variants and collaboration tools to bridge the gap between learning and performance.